Current Trends of Shockwave Therapy for Heel and Ankle Injuries – Canberra
Enjoy drinks and dinner as podiatrist Dr James Ferrie provides a hands-on info session on shockwave therapy for heel & ankle injuries!
Heel and ankle pain are common and debilitating conditions that are often frustrating to treat successfully. With the ever-growing amount of information about heel and ankle pain, it is difficult for clinicians to select the best treatment options for their patients.
Get a taste of the clinically proven benefits of shockwave therapy with hands-on practical experience. You’ll hear what shockwave therapy has to offer for lower limbs including:
- Plantar heel pain
- Medial tibial stress syndrome
- Patella tendinopathy
- Achilles tendinopathy
- Muscular trigger points
James will share his experience on why patients pay for this non-invasive treatment (and pay more than standard consults!) and how to utilise your shockwave device as a revenue generating modality as opposed to a depreciating asset. Plus get a chance to practice a treatment on yourself and/or a peer. All whilst enjoying tasty food and drinks.
Learn about offering your patients more than just steroid injections and physical therapy. Incorporate a new treatment modality AND increase your practice revenue.