What is DolorClast® Focused Shock Waves?

DolorClast Focused

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is the application of Shock Waves in medicine.

It is clinically proven that pressure waves, when applied to injured tissues, stimulate metabolic reactions:

  • Reduction of pain felt by nerve fibers
  • Increase of blood circulation in surrounding soft tissues
  • Beginning of healing process triggered by stem cells activation

Use DolorClast® Focused Shock Waves for:

  • Deep indications
  • Sub-acute or chronic pathologies
  • Deep calcified lesions or myotendinous tears, nonunions fractures or
  • enthesopathies located on the elbow and recalcitrant to heal. ​

Which shock waves are most effective?


The formula is simple: the more energy delivered into the tissue, the better the therapeutic outcome

The compression phase in focused ESWT is usually shorter than in radial ESWT.

The maximum pressure P+ in focused ESWT is usually higher than in radial ESWT.

Both focused and radial ESWT can reach an ED+ of 0.4 mJ/mm2, which has been clinically proven to be sufficient for almost all ESWT indications on the musculoskeletal system and the skin.

Focused shock wave visualization

1,000 pressure waves (P+ wave front) penetrate the skin and travel through the tissue focusing on a cigar-shaped volume (midpoint focus).

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EMS Swiss DolorClast_XRay_368x325px_Focused_LatePhase_0

A depression phase (P-) follows, generating cavitation bubbles. These bubbles collapse causing secondary shock waves.

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